Welcome to regify wiki

From regify WIKI
Revision as of 09:01, 6 September 2011 by Regify (talk | contribs)
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This wiki is for collecting regify facts about the regify system, regify provider and regify client software.

product information


The current regify-provider changelog (history)

Find information about regify-provider hardware requirements

Find information about the regify-provider database

Find more information about the clearing connection of regify-providers

Find help on updating your provider on Provider software updates

Installation hints for Provider Setup

regify client

The current regify-client changelog (history)

Outlook AddIn informations (summary)


regimail FAQ


regipay FAQ


regibill FAQ

BlackBerry client

Summary about the regify BlackBerry client


Troubleshoot the regify_client

Troubleshoot the regify Outlook AddIn

Troubleshoot the regify Thunderbird AddIn

Troubleshoot the Lotus Notes AddIn

Troubleshoot the BlackBerry App.

technical articles

Translating regify software

Information about subprovider possibilities

other information


Find all available authentication levels