Changelog Regiboxd
Revision as of 10:01, 8 February 2022 by Regify (talk | contribs) (→2022-02-08 / regiboxd V2.1.0 (public release))
2022-02-08 / regiboxd V2.1.0 (public release)
Major release (Windows / Linux)
- New: Complete rework of the underlying synchronisation engine
- Faster startup if there are a lot of regiboxes and files/folders.
- More robust handling of several edge cases.
- Faster reaction on new files.
- Faster internal handling of regiboxes (eg during new regibox or accepting invitation).
- Reduced disk activity on many regiboxes (but higher memory consumption).
- New: Obsoleted getBoxList call. It is replaced with getInvites
- New: Added dynamic tokens to logfile name in -l parameter.
- New: Added logging call to control debug logging at runtime.
- New: Enhanced getFileList call
- Added filter parameter.
- Added unposted and unacked file and version status to filter hung files.
- New: Enhanced getVersionList call
- Added filter parameter.
- Result now also includes BoxPath and FileId.
- Please find regiboxd documentation now online.
- Please replace getBoxList call with getInvites.
- boxRoot must now be set on the initial instance start via -r.
- Remove boxRoot from newConfig and setConfig calls making it immutable via API.
- Changed file status constant values to allow them to be ORable for queries (see manual).
2021-01-25 / regiboxd V2.0.1 (public release)
Patch release
- Fix: Removed imagemagick dependency on Linux hosts.
- Fix: Stop unwanted rgbx file deletion on MacOS after invitation was accepted.
- Fix: Fixed missing log in diagnostics if there were more than 500 regiboxes.
- Int: Enhanced robustness of file uploads in case of missing or lost events from regify provider.
2020-09-22 / regiboxd V2.0 (public release)
The backend of regiboxd was completely renewed and updated. Therefore, there were some new features added. Also, a few API functions slightly changed. You will have to adapt your code if you use the changed functions!
- Changed folders
- The request folder changed from "drops" to "req".
Example changed from C:\example\boxconfig\drops\request to C:\example\boxconfig\req\request. - The response folder changed from "tmp" to "res".
Example changed from C:\example\boxconfig\tmp\response to C:\example\boxconfig\res\response.
- The request folder changed from "drops" to "req".
- Changed API functions
- All given path values provided by JSON have to be absolute pathes (including drive letter on Windows).
- getBoxInfo now returns
"ownerEmail" : "", "localOn" : true
instead of the initial"state": 16
localOn represents state: 16 and ownerEmail was added. - newConfig supports new additional values: keepRemovedBoxes, eventsToSyslog and eventLogPath.
- getBoxList response was changed to return a standard status object instead of just the array. Now it also includes metrics.
- invite, the roleId value 2 (read/write/publish) has been removed. Existing data will be migrated. Please note that "publishing" is no longer a regibox internal feature. It has to become implemented separately (like in regibox Manager).
- unfollowBox has been removed and rolled into deleteBox. deleteBox will automatically unfollow if the box is not owned and else delete it.
- Please refer to included PDF documentation for more detailed explanation of the parameters and functions.
- New API functions
- acceptInvite
- getActivities
- getConfig
- getFileList
- getPastVersion
- getRecoveryList
- getResource
- getUserList
- getVersionList
- recoverVersion
- resetConfig
- restoreFile
- setConfig
- setUser
- Please refer to included PDF documentation for more detailed explanation of the new functions.
Please also note that the new regiboxd setup for Windows is now creating a start menu shortcut for the PDF documentation.
2019-05-09 / regiboxd V1.6.2 (public release)
Patch release
- Internal: Handle websocket connections that are gone without any notification (eg TCP/IP lines drop silently by defect firewall).
2019-02-20 / regiboxd V1.6.1 (public release)
Patch release
- API: Removed any usage of zuid and hexUid from the API. Now there is only uid.
- New: Adding configuration information to diagnostics for better analysis.
- New: Adding performance statistics to diagnostics for better analysis.
- Fix: Include documentation in debian package.
- Fix: Add missing chinese templates.
- Fix: Fixed diagnostics missing cURL entries if not started from the beginning by using -v switch.
- Internal: Improve behavior under high load introduced by missing websockets.
- Internal: Enhance websocket usage to fit size constrained environments.
2018-10-04 / regiboxd V1.6.0 (public release)
First regiboxd release (regibox SDK)
- Allows installation of regibox as daemon/service (Linux and Windows, 64 Bit).
- Allows management of multiple instances with independent configurations.
- Control regiboxd instances using command-line options in flexible JSON syntax.
- Find the documentation in the installation folder (Windows) or /usr/share/regiboxd/ (Linux).