Difference between revisions of "Automatic proxy setting for regify client"

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* We suggest to save this as ''setRegifyProxy.vbs'' or similar directly to the desktop. The .vbs extension allows execution by simple doubleclick.
* We suggest to save this as ''setRegifyProxy.vbs'' or similar directly to the desktop. The .vbs extension allows execution by simple doubleclick.
* You are allowed to adapt this script to your needs.
* You are allowed to adapt this script to your needs.
* If you like to edit, we strongly suggest to use an editor that is able to edit vbs files (like PSPad or Notepad++ etc.)
== The script ==
== The script ==

Revision as of 10:28, 30 October 2013

It allows to automatically set the proxy server settings of the regify client depending on the current active IP address.


  • You need to configure this script at the first lines.
  • Dont forget to set LocalNet to the beginning of the network that needs proxy (eg "10.1.1" or "192.168" etc.).
  • We suggest to save this as setRegifyProxy.vbs or similar directly to the desktop. The .vbs extension allows execution by simple doubleclick.
  • You are allowed to adapt this script to your needs.
  • If you like to edit, we strongly suggest to use an editor that is able to edit vbs files (like PSPad or Notepad++ etc.)

The script

In order to set the regify client proxy settings regarding the current IP address, the following VBScript may get used:

' Save as "setRegifyProxy.vbs" or similar

Dim LocalNet, Proxy, ProxyUser, ProxyPass, INIFile, Loud

' --------- Start Config ---------
LocalNet  = "192.168.12"
Proxy     = "shuttle.lu.regify.com:3128" ' Name:Port
ProxyUser = "pUser"
ProxyPass = "pPass"
Loud      = True ' If some message appears or not (True/False)
' --------- End Config ---------

Dim NIC1, Nic, StrIP, CompName, Ini, NewIni, ValueExp, Mode
Dim objFSO, copyFile, vSystemDrive
' Get some RegExp engine
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx.Global = True
ValueExp = ".*\r\n"
' Get regify client ini file
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
vAPPDATA = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%")
INIFile = vAPPDATA & "\regify\regify_client.ini"

' Get IP Address of current active NIC
Set NIC1 = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
For Each Nic in NIC1
  If Nic.IPEnabled Then
    StrIP = Nic.IPAddress(i)
    ' Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    ' CompName= WshNetwork.Computername ' Get Computername
    Exit For
  End If

If StrIP = "" Then
  MsgBox("Can not get any enabled IP address!")
End If

Ini = LoadStringFromFile(INIFile)
If Ini = "" Then
  MsgBox("Can not load regify client INI file! [" & INIFile & "]")
End If

NewIni = Ini
If Left(StrIP, Len(LocalNet)) = LocalNet Then
  ' Intranet -> Set Proxy (old INI format)
  Mode = "intranet + proxy"
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyServer =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(Ini, "ProxyServer = " & Proxy & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyUsername =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "ProxyUsername = " & ProxyUser & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyPassword =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "ProxyPassword = " & ProxyPass & vbCrLf)
  ' Intranet -> Set Proxy (new INI format)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyServer =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyServer = " & Proxy & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyUsername =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyUsername = " & ProxyUser & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyPassword =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyPassword = " & ProxyPass & vbCrLf)
  ' Not Intranet, remove Proxy (old INI format)
  Mode = "internet, no proxy"
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyServer =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(Ini, "ProxyServer =" & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyUsername =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "ProxyUsername =" & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "ProxyPassword =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "ProxyPassword =" & vbCrLf)
  ' Not Intranet, remove Proxy (new INI format)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyServer =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyServer =" & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyUsername =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyUsername =" & vbCrLf)
  objRegEx.Pattern = "proxyPassword =" & ValueExp
  NewIni = objRegEx.Replace(NewIni, "proxyPassword = "& vbCrLf)
End If
If (NewIni <> Ini) Then
  ' Save changes
  SaveStringToFile INIFile, NewIni
  If Loud = True Then
    MsgBox("regify Client proxy settings have been changed (" & Mode & ")")
  End If
  ' Nothing has changed
  If Loud = True Then
    MsgBox("regify Client proxy settings already ok (" & Mode & ")")
  End If
End If

' ---------- Helping functions ------------
Const fsoForReading = 1
Const fsoForWriting = 2
Function LoadStringFromFile(filename)
  Dim fso, f
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, fsoForReading)
  LoadStringFromFile = f.ReadAll
End Function

Sub SaveStringToFile(filename, text)
  Dim fso, f
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, fsoForWriting)
  f.Write text
End Sub