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regipay FAQ

How can I create/send regipay documents?

Today, there are two ways:

  • By using the regipay desktop software (standalone, Windows only).
  • Using the regify Client-SDK. It can be used for creation of batch processing scripts or your own applications.

Do I need to be authenticated to send regipay documents?

Yes, to use regipay, you need to be authenticated and you need the unlock-code for your individual identity-file. You need to be authenticated at least with authentication-level 3. Otherwise you will get error 76 (individual identity-file needed).

I do not see any regipay functionalities in my portal-menu. What do I need to do to be able to send regipay?

Your regify-provider needs to activate this option for you. Please contact the regify-provider support.

Do I need to be regimail member to be able to send regipay messages?

No, you can send regipay even if you are not a regimail member. It depends on the individual settings of your regify-provider.

Can I open regipay messages online, too?

Yes. A regipay message can get opened using the web-portal in the same way like a regimal message (upload rgf file).

I need to use a proxy for internet access, but I can not find fields for?

regipay desktop is able to use a proxy. Enter the prody data directly on the login dialog (after setup) or later in the configuration dialog.

What kind of PDF documents are your recommendation?

We recommend you to send PDF/A files. This is a standard that guaranties optimal readability even after a long time (archiving). It also ensures that no exotic technology is used that may confuse regibill software.

I use the Client-SDK, but I get error 44 (no regipay allowed)?

Your regify-provider needs to activate this option for you. Please contact the regify-provider support.

Regular Expressions

Find date

^(19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$

Finds a date in yyyy-mm-dd format from between 1900-01-01 and 2099-12-31, with a choice of four allowed separators.

Find numbers


search "##-######" where # is a digit (like "12-123456")


search "#-#/20##" (like "71-07/2011")

Find values behind words


Finds all chars after "Username:".


Finds all numbers with 5 or more digits after "Invoice-Nr.: "