Update 5.3
Generic information
The whole update with restart usually takes less than 7 minutes. But it can take 10 to 15 minutes or even more, depending on the amount of data in your system, the network connection and the system i/o speed. We suggest to plan for that.
Starting the upgrade
1) Enable maintenance mode
Please log-in to your web-administration and go to "Provider maintenance". Enable maintenance mode by clicking "Enable maintenance mode" on the upper left.
2) Do the update
To update your regify provider appliance, please log in via SSH (or PuTTY).
In case you log in with root account, you have to enter
to run the appliance menu.
Now select the first menu item "Check for updates". There is a huge list of packages. Use TAB to switch focus to "Yes" and press Enter to start the update. The update process can take 10 to 15 minutes or even more, depending on the amount of data in your system and the speed of your machines.
Notes about Cross-Master-Replication
If you are running a redundant system in cross-master-replication, start with the appliance that is the currently active system (working the traffic). Upgrade the second appliance directly after you upgraded the active system.
Notes about Master-Slave-Replication
If you are running a redundant system in master-slave-replication, start with the master system. Upgrade the slave directly after the master appliance.
3) Disable maintenance mode
Now, please re-login to your web-administration and go to "Provider maintenance". Disable maintenance mode by clicking "Remove maintenance mode" on the upper left.
Finish with restart
The update also updates the kernel of the system, so you need to make a restart after the update has finished. The upate will ask you for a restart and you should answer with YES.
NOTE: Logged in using SSH (PuTTY), you can restart the appliance using the appliance menu "Appliance..." -> "Other Settings..." -> "Reboot the appliance".
In case you log in with root account, you can also enter
shutdown -r now
NOTE: The shutdown can take a minute or even more. Please do not power off the machine during restart manually.
ToDo after upgrading
System in maintenance mode?
If you turned on maintenance mode before upgrade, the system will come up in maintenance mode after update. Please enter Administration and use "Provider maintenance" dialog to restore operation.
CSS modifications
The regify provider 5.3 has a completely reworked user interface. We are now using BULMA CSS framework to style the user area. Therefore, any previous CSS modifications will not work any more.
If you log-in to your main regify provider administration (master role), some TODO will automatically uncomment your existing CSS modifications for all (sub)providers. It will also try to automatically identify your current logo CSS and tries to adapt it to the new requirements. Please read the TODO output carefully to look if it failed and you need to adapt the logo manually.
Branding and Corporate Identity
We identified the color as the main customization target for most regify providers. Therefore, you can now easily set your corporate color and let the system style the elements for you. Enter your web administration and go to "Provider settings". In the "Contact" panel you can select the color and save. If you are the main provider administrator, you can do that for your subproviders, too. In web administration "Manage sub-providers". The "Common" tab offers the base colour selection, too.
Please log in to your web administration now and check for any problems or error messages.