Update 5.2
Starting the upgrade
To update your regify provider appliance, please log in via SSH (or PuTTY).
In case you log in with root account, you have to enter
to run the appliance menu.
Now select the first menu item "Check for updates". There is a huge list of packages. Use TAB to switch focus to "Yes" and press Enter to start the update. The update process can take up to 10 minutes. If you are running a redundant system, do this directly one after the other on each appliance.
The update also updates the kernel of the system, so you need to make a restart after the update has finished. Logged in using SSH (PuTTY), you can restart the appliance using the appliance menu "Appliance..." -> "Other Settings..." -> "Reboot the appliance".
In case you log in with root account, you can also enter
shutdown -r now
Please log in to your web administration now and check for any problems or error messages.