Troubleshoot regibox
General troubleshooting
You may also take a look at the regibox FAQ pages.
Activate debugging
Debug during configuration
If problems occur initially or during initial configuration, please run the regibox manager using this command-line option to trigger logging:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\regibox\regibox.exe" -v -l “c:\somePath\box.log”
Please use a log path that you have write access to. Now please have a look into the file using your favorite text editor. Search for CRIT. If you find a CRIT line, please check the 20 to 30 lines above for any possible errors in the lines with CURL:.
Example CRIT line:
2016-05-12 06:58:49-1020 [6440]: CRIT: CURL_Post(curl_include.pbi:1932): Error performing POST. Curl ec:35
In this case you can google for CURL Error 35 to find the reason. Also check the above lines. Also have a look for the resolved IP address or any proxy messages. You may ignore any "schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data" messages as they are normal.
Debug during runtime
If you encounter any error that seems strange to you, please follow these steps in order to create debug information for regify support:
- Open regibox manager and prepare the situation you want to show us.
- Press CTRL+ALT+D in order to activate debug logging. Please confirm with YES.
- Now, please try to replicate your problem.
- Crash or visible problem: Please trigger the problem again.
- General synchronization problem: Please wait for at least 60 seconds (doing nothing).
- Special file synchronization problem: Please trigger the problem with this file again.
- Stop debugging by pressing CTRL+ALT+D again.
- The program is asking you for a location to store the debug information. We suggest to use the Desktop folder of your profile.
You can open the ZIP file directly and open the file regibox-log.txt. Please follow the instructions mentioned above to search for CRIT and cURL errors.
I do not see the regibox icon (Ubuntu and other Linux with Unity desktop)
This is due to a setting in unity to not show systray icons by default. Follow this guide to fix this:
1) Run the following command in your console window to get the current settings:
gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist
2) Now, add the program 'regibox' to the list. So if it was ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype'] before, make it look like this:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'regibox']"
Alternatively, run this in your console window in order to show all kind of systray icons:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
Setup starts while I'm simply trying to use regify or accept a regibox invitation
At first, the mechanism of Microsoft Windows tries to re-run the setup (MSI, Installer) automatically, if files or registry keys (created by the setup) have changed or are missing. Thus, please check your AntiVirus logfiles if some components of regify have been classified as dangerous (false alert). If AV software, or other software setups, removed or downgraded components of regify, this may happen.
In some case, a complete uninstall followed by a fresh install of the most recent setup fixed the issues. As this is a Windows issue and not directly related to regify, we sadly can not give you any further assistance on this.
If you're an IT professional and if you're able reproduce the problem, you may activate MSI debugging to identify the missing component.
I'm not able to uninstall because of a missing MSI file/dependency
Such problems happen if Windows is having a corrupted installer configuration, independently of regify. As this is a common problem on Windows, Microsoft offers a tool to solve such issues. Please try to solve the issue with this tool.
As this is a Windows issue and not directly related to regify, we sadly can not give further assistance. Google for "uninstall missing msi file" will give you a lot of possible solutions and tools to solve such issues, too.
You also may try to activate MSI debugging for further investigation.