Troubleshoot regify client
- 1 usage
- 2 setup
- 2.1 I like to install the client without installing a Outlook or Thunderbird AddIn
- 2.2 Module c:\-path-\regify client\regifyAddIn.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147467259. Contact your support personnel.
- 2.3 Fehler beim registrieren von Modul c:\-path-\regify client\regifyAddIn.dll. HRESULT -2147467259. Wenden Sie sich an den Support.
- 3 debugging
I get errors regarding the certificate of the mailserver
You may encounter error messages like these:
- Peer Certificate can not be authentikated with given CA
- Certificate verify failed
- etc
In most cases, the wrong smtp server was chosen (or the wrong port). Try to find out if the mailserver certificates are correctly installed and you are really using the correct mailserver. Many mailservers are also having alias domains which are not having a matching certificate.
If you are not able to eliminate the problem, please enter all data like it should work and save the settings. Now, please close the program and open up its configuration file. There you need to locate a setting named MailIgnoreSSLError. Please set this value to 1 to let the program ignore all SSL related errors. Please remark that this setting is reset to 0 if you change the smtp server settings in the configuration dialogs.
I'm having connection problems
Common problems are:
- Error 58 -> Problem with SSL certificate
- Error 59 -> Most probably you need to enter a proxy server
- Error 2 -> Missing internet connection (check proxy and connectivity)
It may help you to activate the debug log (described on this page). The CURL entries are giving more information about reasons.
Proxy issues
The regify client support proxy servers for connections. The proxy settings have to be entered manually. We currently do not support PAC files.
For authentication, the regify client supports the following authentication schemes: AUTH_BASIC, AUTH_DIGEST and AUTH_NTLM.
Please always test with the most recent regify client version!
If you believe there is some protocol problem, try to use a prefix to specify alternative proxy protocols like socks4://, socks4a://, socks5:// or socks5h://.
The regify client complains "The given file can not get opened (no regify file)."
German: "Die angegebene Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden (keine regify® Datei)."
Up to version V3.6.5 of the regify-client, this error occurs if there are more than 15 to 22 attachments added to the regify file (depending on the length of the filename and the version of the regify client used for regify generation). To fix this, update to a client newer than V3.6.5 or open the regify-file by uploading to the regify portal of your regify-provider.
I'm getting an Error: 20 when trying to read regify emails
Most of the time this happens because the recipient is trying to read an email that is addressed to one of their email addresses that is not registered with their regify account. Up to 5 email addresses can be registered with a regify account. Log into the provider portal and add the missing email address.
In rare cases this error can be caused by older regify clients when the recipient email address was passed in as mixed case. Example To resolve this, the sender needs to upgrade their regify client or insure that the recipient email address is lowercase, in our example:
Known issues
On some Lenovo systems the regify client freezes after opening a regify message due to a tool called Lenovo SmartUpdate (smartUpdate.exe). Removing the tool solved the problem.
I like to install the client without installing a Outlook or Thunderbird AddIn
Please choose the custom install option while setup. You can disable the Outlook AddIn and the Thunderbird AddIn in the further dialog.
Module c:\-path-\regify client\regifyAddIn.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147467259. Contact your support personnel.
Fehler beim registrieren von Modul c:\-path-\regify client\regifyAddIn.dll. HRESULT -2147467259. Wenden Sie sich an den Support.
- The most likely cause of the error is an installed Microsoft Outlook with 64 Bit. The regify AddIn is only able to run on 32 Bit Outlook installations. Please uninstall your Microsoft Office and reinstall the 32 Bit version. If you do not plan to use the Outlook AddIn, you may exclude the AddIn from installation by using the custom setup option.
If you like to test the new AddIn for 64 bit you can contact us at - You might use Outlook 2013 with an older regify client. This version is supportet since regify client V3.10 (April 2013). Maybe you need to update.
Start extended debug logging
Using regify-client V3.8, V3.9 or V3.10, you can get some detailed debug-log if needed. To activate debugging, please open the regify client ini-file (%APPDATA%\regify\regify_client.ini) and insert the following value in the [REGIFY] section:
[REGIFY] DebugLevel = 5
To deactivate debugging, please remove this entry or set DebugLevel = 0.
If the file does not exist or you need to get debug information before the file was created (PLS or Proxy problems), please create the file and simply insert the content from above.
Beginning version V4.0 and newer, the regify client uses a new structure in his %APPDATA%\regify\regify_client.ini file. If you can find a section with [GUI], please use this entry instead:
[GUI] debugLevel = 5
To deactivate debugging, please remove this entry or set debugLevel = 0.