supported database systems
The default database for a regify-provider system is MySQL in version 5.1 or greater. Alternatively, you can use ORACLE 10g to 11g database to run the regify-provider.
database structure
The regify provider database consists of 15 tables, 34 indices (status May 2010). There are no stored procedures or views involved. In case of Oracle, nearly each table utilizes an additional sequence and trigger (for generating autoincrementing indexes).
needed space
- 1 mio regify transactions need about 220 MB storage capacity.
- 1000 registered users need about 0,8 MB storage capacity.
As of theese small values, a capacity of 20GB will fit for about
- 90 mio transactions
- 600'000 users
amount of selects, inserts and updates
Average portal visit:
- 19 selects
- 5 inserts
Sending and receiving one transaction:
- 13 selects
- 4 updates
- 4 inserts
Database-usage by repeating jobs:
- daily job
- 1 select per user
- 2 inserts per user
- 0,5 updates per user
- 0,2 deletes per user
The conrete values are depending on the number of failed invitings, non collected transactions and other circumstances like average user activity.
configuration details
Initially, you don't need to care about any settings. At a later point, some optimisation may be needed.
The needed charset for Oracle database usage is
To allow lot's of users, please check the PROCESSES setting of your Orac le installation. In case this value is less than 200, please rise to a value of 300 to 1000 processes using