Update 5.0

From regify WIKI
Revision as of 11:13, 31 July 2017 by Regify (talk | contribs)
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The update to version 4.2 is mainly an update about the new Chinese language and other minor changes. But we also did some cleanup for the CSS and icons in the user interface.

Many images have been replaced by font icons (a font containing icons instead of characters). We've chosen typeicons and it works great. By this, we also tried to make it much more easy for you to adapt the colors to your needs. Please check the Provider_customization article for further help and some CSS template.

The update also tries to adapt the codeFooter.php file of your customization. The management of languages and flags has been enhanced and some code must be removed or changed to work. If the automatic update of this file failed, you will get some red ToDo warning in your web-administration main page. In this case, please reset the codeFooter.php to the default and make your changes.