Troubleshoot regibill regipay regimail Desktop

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e-mail sending

Can not send SMTP mails (no connection)

Please check in this order:

  • Are you able to access Internet using a web-browser -> if not, check computers connectivity
  • Can you use telnet to access the smtp server (telnet 25)? -> If not, SMTP may be blocked by a virusscanner or firewall.
  • There also may be a Desktop Firewall or security suite blocking the access.

Can not send SMTP mails (time out reached)

Currently, sending of a single e-mail by using SMTP with TLS is not allowed to need more than 5 seconds. If you like to verify this, activate logging and compare the entry times from the beginning of the sending part until the timeout message. Possible solutions to this issue:

  • Send smaller PDF files. As a reference, an invoice of 2 pages really should not exceed the size of 100KB.
  • Deactivate sending SMTP using TLS (if your mail-server accepts this).
  • Use an Internet connection with faster upload.

After some successful sending, error "failed connecting to pear" comes up

If you turn on the debug logging in your desktop application, you might find the following error in your log:

421 4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit

This means, that your e-mail server (Exchange?) refused further sending because some internal limit was reached. Please tell this your Exchange administrator in order to increase this limit (possibly with help from this site).

I get errors regarding the certificate of the mail-server

You may encounter error messages like these:

  • Peer Certificate can not be authenticated with given CA
  • Certificate verify failed
  • etc

In most cases, the wrong SMTP server was chosen (or the wrong port). Try to find out if the mail-server certificates are correctly installed and you are really using the correct mail-server. Many mail-servers are also having alias domains which are not having a matching certificate.

If you are not able to eliminate the problem, please enter all data like it should work and save the settings. Now, please close the program and open up its configuration file (locate it in %APPDATA%\regify). There you need to locate a setting named MailIgnoreSSLError. Please set this value to 1 to let the program ignore all SSL related errors. Please remark that this setting is reset to 0 if you change the SMTP server settings in the configuration dialogs.

You also can try to turn off TLS usage by removing the TLS checkbox (V1.6.2 and newer only).

Processing files

While processing PDF files, the application stops with error 99

There are various reasons known for this error. Please follow these steps to solve the problem:

  1. Please ensure that you are using regibill desktop or regipay desktop in version 1.6 or newer. If not, please download the most recent version at the regify homepage.
  2. Please ensure that the PDF file's you are using are compliant to the standards. You can validate PDF files online at pdf-tools] (check Analyze Only option). Only valid PDF files can get converted to regibills or regipays.
  3. Try to turn off any "optimization" options like "Enable Fast Web View", "Optimize for web", "Web Optimized", "Optimized Output", "Linearized" or similar.
  4. Try to turn off compression options (if available).
  5. If the problem still exists, please send some detailed error description and such a PDF document to

While processing PDF files, the application stops with error 60

There are multiple possible solutions for this problem:

  1. Check, if you have all needed permissions on the folders you are using.
  2. Please do not use a regify account with obligatory attachments together with regibill or regipay.

For further information, please activate logging and send the logfile together with a detailed error description to regify support.

Other problems

How to activate debug logging

Try to activate the debug log by starting with commandline parameter (example call):

regibill_desktop.exe -v -l "c:\temp\logfile.txt"

If you start regibill, regipay or regimail Desktop this way, it writes a verbose log into the given logfile. Please ensure that you have write permissions on the given logfile location and that the destination path exists. If you have been prompted to send this logfile to regify, please send it to